Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

my moslem heros

Muslim's Achievements in Science & Technology (1300-1700)

Time Line of Muslim's Achievements in Arts, Science & Technology

14th century
1300s - [astronomy, engineering] The spherical astrolabe is invented in the Middle East.

1300s - [bacteriology, etiology, medicine, microbiology, pathology] When the Black Death bubonic plague reached al-Andalus, Ibn Khatima discovered that infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms which enter the human body.

1301 - [ceramics] Al-Kashani promotes a center for ceramics. He also writes a book on Islamic ceramics techniques. His name is still associated with ceramics in the Muslim Orient today.

1304 – 1375 [astronomy] Ibn al-Shatir, a Muslim astronomer from Damascus, in A Final Inquiry Concerning the Rectification of Planetary Theory, incorporated the Urdi lemma and eliminated the need for an equant by introducing an extra epicycle (the Tusi-couple), departing from the Ptolemaic system in a way that was mathematically identical to what Nicolaus Copernicus did in the 16th century. Ibn al-Shatir's system was also only approximately geocentric, rather than exactly so, having demonstrated trigonometrically that the Earth was not the exact center of the universe. While previous Maragha models were just as accurate as the Ptolemaic model, Ibn al-Shatir's geometrical model was the first that was actually superior to the Ptolemaic model in terms of its better agreement with empirical observations. Ibn al-Shatir’s rectified model was later adapted into a heliocentric model by Copernicus, which was mathematically achieved by reversing the direction of the last vector connecting the Earth to the Sun in Ibn al-Shatir's model.


1304 - 1369 [exploration, travel] Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Battuta was a world traveler. He travels along a 75,000 mile voyage from Morocco to China and back. These journeys covered much of the Old World, extending from North Africa, West Africa, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe in the west, to the Middle East, Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China in the east, a distance readily surpassing that of his predecessors and his near-contemporary Marco Polo.

Ibn-Battuta-and-Sultan Muhammad-Ibtaglib

Muhammad Ibn Battuta

1313 - 1374 - [bacteriology, etiology, medicine, pathology] The Andalusian physician Ibn al-Khatib wrote a treatise called On the Plague, in which he stated: "The existence of contagion is established by experience, investigation, the evidence of the senses and trustworthy reports. These facts constitute a sound argument. The fact of infection becomes clear to the investigator who notices how he who establishes contact with the aflicted gets the disease, whereas he who is not in contact remains safe, and how transmission is affected through garments, vessels and earrings."

1377 [demography, economics, historiography, history, humanities, political science, social sciences, sociology] Ibn Khaldun, the father of demography,cultural history, historiography, the philosophy of history,sociology, and the social sciences, and one of the forerunners of modern economics, writes his most famous work, the Muqaddimah (known as Prolegomenon in the West), which is encyclopedic in breadth, surveys the state of knowledge of his day, covering geography, accounts of the peoples of the world and their known history, the classification and aims of the sciences, and the religious sciences. In the social sciences, he introduces the concepts of social philosophy, social conflict theories, Asabiyyah (social cohesion), social capital, social networks, the Laffer curve, the historical method, standard of evidence, propoganda, systemic bias, the rise and fall of civilizations, dialectic and feedback loops, systems theory, corporate social responsibility, economic growth, macroeconomics, population growth, human capital development, and the Khaldun-Laffer curve.

1377 [biology, chemistry, evolution] Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah also makes several contributions to biology and chemistry. He develops a biological theory of evolution based on empirical evidence and in which he begins with minerals evolving into plants and then animals and ending with humans evolving from monkeys, which he states is "as far as our (physical) observation extends." In chemistry, he refutes the practice of alchemy and discredits the theory of the transmutation of metals.

1380 [mathematics] Born al-Kashi. According to , "contributed to the development of decimal fractions not only for approximating algebraic numbers, but also for real numbers such as pi. His contribution to decimal fractions is so major that for many years he was considered as their inventor. Although not the first to do so, al-Kashi gave an algorithm for calculating nth roots which is a special case of the methods given many centuries later by Ruffini and Horner."

1393 - 1449 - [astronomy] Ulugh Beg commissions an observatory at Samarqand in present-day Uzbekistan.

Ibn Khuldun

15th century
1400 - 1500 - [related] Third wave of devastation of Muslim resources, lives, properties, institutions, and infrastructure. End of Muslim rule in Spain after the completion of the Reconquista in 1492. More than one million volumes of Muslim works on science, arts, philosophy and culture were burnt in the public square of Vivarrambla in Granada. Colonization began in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

1400s [mathematics] Ibn al-Banna and al-Qalasadi used symbols for mathematics in the 15th century "and, although we do not know exactly when their use began, we know that symbols were used at least a century before this."

1400 - 1406 [astronomy, mathematics, physics] Jamshid al-Kashi is invited to the Samarqand observatory by Ulugh Beg to pursue his study of mathematics, astronomy and physics.

1400 - 1429 [astronomy, mathematics] Jamshid al-Kashi is the first to use the decimal point notation in arithmetic and Arabic numerals. His works include The Key of arithmetics, Discoveries in mathematics, The Decimal point, and The benefits of the zero. The contents of the Benefits of the Zero are an introduction followed by five essays: "On whole number arithmetic", "On fractional arithmetic", "On astrology", "On areas", and "On finding the unknowns [unknown variables]". He also wrote the Thesis on the sine and the chord; The garden of gardens or Promenade of the gardens describing an instrument he devised and used at the Samarqand observatory to compile an ephemeris and for computing solar and lunar eclipses; the ephemeresis Zayj Al-Khaqani which also includes mathematical tables and corrections of the ephemeresis by al-Tusi; Thesis on finding the first degree sine; and more.

1400 - 1474 [astronomy, astrophysics, mathematics, physics] Ali al-Qushji (d. 1474) rejected Aristotelian physics and completely separated natural philosophy from Islamic astronomy, allowing astronomy to become a purely empirical and mathematical science. This allowed him to explore alternatives to the Aristotelian notion of a stationery Earth, as he explored the idea of a moving Earth instead. He found empirical evidence for the Earth's rotation through his observation on comets and concluded, on the basis of empiricism rather than speculative philosophy, that the moving Earth theory is just as likely to be true as the stationary Earth theory. Ali al-Qushji also improved on Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's planetary model and presented an alternative planetary model for Mercury.

1406 - 1409 [astronomy] Jamshid al-Kashi computed and observed the solar eclipses of 809 AH, 810 AH and 811 AH.

1411 [mathematics] Al-Kashi writes Compendium of the Science of Astronomy

1424 [mathematics] Al-Kashi writes Treatise on the Circumference giving a remarkably accurate approximation to pi in both hexadecimal and decimal forms, computing pi to 8 hexadecimal places and 16 decimal places

1427 [mathematics] Al-Kashi completes The Key to Arithmetic containing work of great depth on decimal fractions. It applies arithmetical and algebraic methods to the solution of various problems, including several geometric ones and is one of the best textbooks in the whole of medieval literature

1437 [mathematics] Ulugh Beg publishes his star catalogue, the Zij-i-Sultani. It contains trigonometric tables correct to eight decimal places based on Ulugh Beg's calculation of the sine of one degree which he calculated correctly to 16 decimal places .


16th century
1500s [architecture, engineering, urban planning] The city of Shibam is built in Yemen. This city is regarded as the "oldest skyscraper-city in the world", the "Manhattan of the desert", and the earliest example of urban planning based on the principle of vertical construction. Shibam was made up of over 500 tower houses, each one rising 5 to 9 storeys high, with each floor being an apartment occupied by a single family.

1500 - 1528 [astronomy, astrophysics, physics] Al-Birjandi continued the debate on the Earth's rotation after Ali al-Qushji. In his analysis of what might occur if the Earth were rotating, he develops a hypothesis similar to Galileo Galilei's notion of "circular inertia", which he described in an observational test (as a response to one of Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi's arguments): "The small or large rock will fall to the Earth along the path of a line that is perpendicular to the plane (sath) of the horizon; this is witnessed by experience (tajriba). And this perpendicular is away from the tangent point of the Earth’s sphere and the plane of the perceived (hissi) horizon. This point moves with the motion of the Earth and thus there will be no difference in place of fall of the two rocks."

1500 - 1550 [astronomy] Shams al-Din al-Khafri, the last major astronomer of the hay'a tradition, was the first to realize that "all mathematical modeling had no physical truth by itself and was simply another language with which one could describe the physical observed reality."

1551 [engineering] Taqi al-Din invents the steam turbine in Ottoman Egypt. He first described it in The Sublime Methods of Spiritual Machines, which describes the use of his steam turbine as the prime mover for a self-rotating spit.

1559 [engineering] Taqi al-Din invents a 'Monobloc' pump with a six cylinder engine. It was a hydropowered water-raising machine incorporating valves, suction and delivery pipes, piston rods with lead weights, trip levers with pin joints, and cams on the axle of a water-driven scoop-wheel.

1577 [astronomy, engineering] Taqi al-Din builds the Istanbul observatory of al-Din, one of the largest astronomical observatories at the time, with the patronage of the Ottoman Sultan Murad III.

1577 - 1580 [astronomy, engineering] At the Istanbul observatory of al-Din, Taqi al-Din carries out astronomical observations. He produces a zij (named Unbored Pearl) and astronomical catalogues that are more accurate than those of his contemporaries, Tycho Brahe and Nicolaus Copernicus. Taqi al-Din is able to achieve this with his new invention of the "observational clock", which he describes as "a mechanical clock with three dials which show the hours, the minutes, and the seconds." He uses this for astronomical purposes, specifically for measuring the right ascension of the stars. This is considered one of the most important innovations in 16th century practical astronomy, as previous clocks were not accurate enough to be used for astronomical purposes. Taqi al-Din is also the first astronomer to employ a decimal point notation in his observations rather than the sexagesimal fractions used by his contemporaries and predecessors.

1580 [astronomy] The Istanbul observatory of al-Din is destroyed by Sultan Murad III.

17th century
1630 - 1632 - [aviation, flight] Turkish scientist Hezarfen Ahmet Celebi took off from Galata tower and flew over the Bosphorus. He was the first aviator to have succeeded in flying with artificial wings.

1633 - [aviation, flight, rocketry] Hezarfen Ahmet Celebi's brother, Lagari Hasan Çelebi, launched himself in the first manned rocket, using 150 okka (about 300 pounds) of gunpowder as the firing fuel, and he landed successfully. This is more than two hundred years before similar attempts in modern Europe and the United States.

1600s [mathematics] The Arabic mathematician Muhammad Baqir Yazdi jointly discovered the pair of amicable numbers 9,363,584 and 9,437,056 along with Descartes (1636).

Time Line of Muslim's Achievements in Science & Technology

Compiled by:

MetaExistence Organization
Geo-Political Think Tank of Islamic World


HOME Time Line 3

Puisi aneh

U mild Demokrasi Indonesia

demokrasi itu

dari uang,

oleh uang dan

untuk uang

demokrasi itu

demonstrasi bakar ban

biar muncul di tivi

demokrasi itu

para politisi bebas berebut kursi


korupsi ramai-ramai

tapi menurut gua…

demokrasi itu

duduk manis di depan tivi sambil memaki-maki

habis duit minta pada ortu

habis perkara….


Kemarin dia datang

Semalam dia datang

Tadi pagi, dia datang lagi

Datang mengintai

Bersama matahari

Di jalan dia ada

Di rumah dia ada

Di sunyi dia ada

Di ramai dia ada

Bertandang tak kenal waktu

Aku penasaran. Maka ketika dia datang. Ketika dia ada, aku coba iseng menanyakan namanya.

Dengan seyumnya yang dingin, dia menjabat tanganku,

“Namaku tak panjang-panjang amat, namaku :maut!.

Aku akan menjemputmu kapan pun kumau, dan kemana pun kau pergi”





















merokok sampai dada sesak - plok

sampai paru-paru penuh asap – maut!

tanpa nama,

tanpa hari, tanpa tanggal, tanpa tahun


Cerita Usang

Di bawah pusaranya

Nenek moyangku meratap-tertawa

Melihat anak cucunya

Berebut harta tua

Opu Bonto Bangung


yang kau tanam paksa di rahimku

tak ubahnya kau

jutaan penggalah matahari lalu

di saat liar matamu

memasukkan sembilu

ke pui-pui karaeng gowa

isap, tersedak, putus, tewas


darah di belati anakmu

dilap dengan percah kain

dari baju temannya

Setitip Pesan Dari Ibu

jauh, jauh

kau belum lagi berenang di cairan ketuban

lantai tempat berpijakmu adalah,

punggung bapakmu

disemen keringat

yang menetes di ujung keningnya

jauh, jauh

kau belum lagi dililit plasenta

tiang tempat bersandarmu adalah,

gantungan kopiah

diusung bahu

rakat negeri ini

jangan, jangan nak!


akan kering diserapnya

hingga tegel murahan itu

hanya akan memantulkan wajah jelekmu

adakah kau dendam?

dengan benjolan di kepalamu sewaktu terpeleset?

jangan, jangan nak

tiang beton itu

tidak termakan paku negeri ini

adakah kau kenang?

bola ang terpantul

hingga tak kena cermin, tempat rias kita?

adakah kau dendam?

air mata dan susuku

telah kering

Anak-Anakku Tidur Dengan Lelap

Bandul itu

Tak enggan berhenti beraun


Apa arti lonceng

Di sebuah negeri yang tak menghargai waktu

Anak-anakku tertawa dengan mimpinya

Meneringai ke arah langit-langit

Susah, susah membangunkan mereka

Bangsa ini terlanjur lelap

Sementara setan

Di bubungan atap rumah

Atau kalong-kalong

di luar jendela

hendak santap pisang

di meja

bahkan di ujung bibir kita


Cerita Untuk Renungan Hani Tercinta

Mungkin tiba sudah saatnya

Kukabari kau dari kota ini

Setelah penatku

Sudah tiba mungkin saatnya

Tuk dengarkan dengung telingaku

Oleh retakan tulang-tulang sendiri

Saatnya mungkin sudah tiba

Tuk penantianmu belajar katakan,


Inikah puisi


Dengan kata-kata


Suku kata


Dengan larik



Kurangkai menjadi puisi

Bubuhkan tanda tangan di kertas ini sebelum pergi


Tanda tangan


Kertas ini

Sebelum pergi


yang merangkak

di lantai

kutahu lututmu masih goyah

tuk kenal

arti payah

bahkan mati


dengan pasti

kita akan berdiri



sekali lagi

Bubuhkan tanda tangan di kertas ini sebelum pergi

Untuk pemimpin-pemimpinku

Penatku ditumpuk geram

Retakku kutelan

Mungkin aku sudah bosan

Dengan kalian

Seperti Binatang?

Sudah hilang betulkah adab di bumi ini?

Sehingga tumbuh


Sekujur badan kami

Lalu menjelma menjadi jalang

Seperti binatang?

Sudah butakah mata

Dengan tipuan kaca


Anak kami santap

Saudara kami lahap

Seperti binatang?

Akh, betulkah kami

Seperti binatang?

Atau mungkin

Kami harus belajar pada binatang

Karena kami telah

Lebih rendah

Dari binatang?

Jangan Katakan Tidak


Kata tidak terucap untukku

Kau gantung khaal di langit jiwaku


Selamanya aku bersanding dengan bayang

Dan kutatap mendung esok pagi


Ke mana lagi harap kutitipkan

Sedang cinta di dada masih mencengkeram


Ke mana lagi rindu kualamatkan

Apakah kepada gunung yang angkuh memasung

Atau kepada laut yang bergolak memasang

Atau kepada langit yang jauh

Tak terjangkau


Katakan ya

Jangan katakana tidak

Sebelum Pagi

Engkau mungkin mengajariku

Menggembala pekat

Karena pintu langit belum terbuka

Sebelum pagi

Karena engkau telah menarikku

Dari selimut malam

Mengajakku berlari

Mengitari padang ini

Sebelum pagi

Karena engkau telah membasuhku

Dengan gelap

yang merayap

sebelum pagi

Tersina Untuk Adikku

Belajarlah tuk lupakan aku

Karena aku telah di sini


Belajarlah menjadi diri sendiri

Karena temanmu adalah sunyi


Belajarlah tuk patuhi




Belajar dan belajarlah adikku

Belajarlah untuk belajar


ini perang bukan melawan kompeni


tapi perang melawan diri sendiri


mungkin ini takdir


tapi keserakahan


di bawah dentuman peluru


darahku dan darahmu


Untuk Ayah-bunda

Sudah sejauh manakah kuberjalan

Tanpa sempat kuberpaling ke belakang

Ke bekas kakimu

Yang kau pahat

Di atas keringat


Air mata

Dalam lepas ini

Kau masih merangkulku

Mendekapku di sepi

Mendongeng di ujung mimpi

Hanya dengan puisi ini

Kulap peluh

Di ujung bahumu

Karena kutahu

Semua tak kan terbelaskan

Untuk Mbak dan Mbak Mbak

Mbak yang pinggulnya besar

Kau telah menggoyang Negara

Dan birahi kami

Memutar-memelintir imaji ke ubun-ubun

Hingga kami lupa diri

Mbak, yang pinggulnya lebar

Kau bawa nafsu yang mekar

Nafas megap-megap

Mbak, yang pinggulnya merangsang

Maafkan jika mulutku berkata lancang

Kau betul-betul membuat anuku tegang

Dan bergoyang-goyang

Dan kuucapkan terima kasih


Telah kuanu anuku

Karena goyanganmu


ketika sepi itu tepat menikam di ulu hati

di pekat jantung malam

maka kuharap kau datang

menggenahi mimpi-mimpi merambang

bersama dedas daun


ketika sepi itu tepat memaku kaki

kuharap kau melangkah padaku

dengan sayap terentang tenang

tak kaku

buyarkan semua angan-angan suram

jemput aku

dengan satu keoptimisan

bahwa masih ada hari

selain hari ini

dan kemarin

aku selalu siapkan waktuku untukmu

di mataku sampai merabun

di kupingku sampai memikun

di hidungku sampai sesak

di hatiku sampai ceracau

di ujung penaku

sampai tinta usiaku


Bila Aku Jatuh Cinta

bila aku jatuh cinta

aku mohon pada-nya

aku tak ingin selemah sang adam

yang lupa neraka

karena hawa

bila aku jatuh cinta

aku mohon pada-nya

aku tak ingin secengeng romeo

yang minum racun

karena juliet

bila aku catuh cinta

aku mohon pada-nya

aku tak ingin seperti pejabat

yang tega korupsi

karena istri

Bila aku jatuh cinta

Aku mohon pada-Nya

Aku tak ingin sepeti tikus

Model-model mahsiswa


Sistem Kebut Semalam


Catat Buku Sampai Abis



Kambing berjalan tegak

Kambing setengah manusia

Manusia setengah kambing

Pak lukman


Babi berjalan tegak

Babi setengah manusia

Manusia setengah babi

Pak Ismu

Untungnya andai jadi


penciumanku tak setajam pembau reptil

sehingga kau masih harum malam ini


hidungku sedemikian itu

dapat kucium bau ketekmu dari jarak sekilo meter

tak bisa lagi kau tipu aku dengan rexona

pastinya aku akan muntah


bukan karena engkau yang harum

tapi hidungku yang mampet


telingaku tak sepeka radar

sehingga masih dapat kubersunyi-sunyi ria malam ini


telingaku sedemikian itu

dapat kudengar suara dengkurmu dari sini

Pastinya aku tak bisa tidur


bukan karena suaramu yang tak pernah jelek

Tapi telingaku yang pekak


mataku tak setajam sinar x

sehingga kau masih seksi malam ini


mataku sedemikian itu

dapat kutembus sampai tulang dan ususmu

kotoran-kotoran di perutmu

pastinya aku akan jijik


bukan karena engkau yang indah

tapi mataku yang buta

Antara Hitam dan Biru

Mata biru kulit putih bengkoang

Rambut pirang terurai melambai

Hidung mancung seperti pedang

Pikiran tajam di segala hal

Itulah kharisma bangsa eropa

Samakah dengan kita?

Mata hitam kulit sawo matang

Rambut tertata karena terpaku oleh trend

Hidung mancung tak semuanya punya

Pikiran licik dalam segala kehidupan

Itulah budaya bangsa Indonesia

Selalukah kita berkiblat pada mereka?

Yang baik kita tiru

Yang buruk kita tiru

Yang merusak selalu kita simak

Yang tak bermoral selalu di jadikan modal

Kita bukan mereka,tapi mereka saudara kita,

keturunan dari sang adam

adam milik siapa?

adam ciptaan siapa?

Dimana naluri kita?

Tuhan yang tak inginkan cara kita?

Antara hitam dan biru bukan pedoman

Semua bukan pedoman tuk menjadi yang terdepan

Feodalondo sekali !otak tak berisi ! jadi apa nanti !